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Version: 1.0.6

Transaction Flow

Initiate a BharatX Transaction#

If the user confirms that they want to use BharatX to pay, your server must make a call to our server to initiate transaction:

Your Server - Request
Headers:X-Signature: base64-encoded sha256(requestBody + privateApiKey)X-Partnerid: partnerId
Body:{  "merchantTransactionId": string, // unique  "userPhoneNumber": string,  "userId": string, // user identifier in perspective of you  "amount": number // in paise}
BharatX Server - Response
Body:{  "message": string}
Status = 201; message = "TRANSACTION_INITIATED"Status = 400; message = "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION_ID"Status = 401; message = "AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"Status = 400; message = "BAD_REQUEST"Status = 500; message = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"

After that, you must also send the transaction ID to our SDK through your app:

Your Android App
// optional - now would be a good time to show the progress dialogBharatXCommonUtilManager.showBharatXProgressDialog(this);
String transactionId = // from your serverCreditAccessManager.registerTransactionId(activity, transactionId,    new CreditAccessManager.RegisterTransactionListener {      void onRegistered() {        // transaction ID registered successfully        BharatXCommonUtilManager.closeBharatXProgressDialog();      }
      void onFailure() {        // registering this transaction failed        BharatXCommonUtilManager.closeBharatXProgressDialog();      }    });

Check Status of a BharatX Transaction#


Unless you call the CreditAccessManager.registerTransactionId method from your app, the transaction will never succeed.

If the transaction has not succeeded by 60 seconds, it will fail automatically.

After initiating the transaction, you can check for its status:

Your Server - Request
Headers:X-Signature: base64-encoded sha256(requestBody + privateApiKey)X-Partnerid: partnerId
Body:{  "merchantTransactionId": string // unique}
BharatX Server - Response
Body:{  "message": string}
Status = 200; message can be one of ["PENDING", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE"]Status = 401; message = "AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"Status = 400; message = "BAD_REQUEST"Status = 500; message = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"

Webhook for Status of a BharatX Transaction#

BharatX Server - Request
POST <Your Server Webhook URL>
Headers:X-Signature: base64-encoded sha256(requestBody + privateApiKey)Content-Type: application/json
Body:{  "merchantTransactionId": string,  "status": string // can be one of ["PENDING", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE"]}
Your Server - Response
Status = 200: Webhook accepted.Any other Status: Our servers will try to send the webhookagain and again with increasing time interval.



If amount is not passed, or if amount is passed as 0, the whole order amount would be refunded.

Your Server - Request
Headers:X-Signature: base64-encoded sha256(requestBody + privateApiKey)X-Partnerid: partnerId
Body:{  "merchantTransactionId": string,  "amount": number // in paise}
BharatX Server - Response
Body:{  "message": string}
Status = 200; message = "ok"Status = 400; message = "NO_SUCH_TRANSACTION"Status = 400; message = "REFUND_AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE"Status = 400; message = "ALREADY_REFUNDED"Status = 401; message = "AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"Status = 500; message = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"